Oh, welcome, welcome!

How do you do? Care for a bit of tea?

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Forward Motion

Those who voted for Mitt Romney and not Obama as well as other candidates: You are entitled to be disappointed. You are entitled to be worried about the future (as honestly, all of us are). You are entitled to your own opinions. What you are NOT entitled to is being sore losers, calling those of us who did vote for opposing candidates sinners/murderers/traitors/unpatriotic, etc. You are NOT entitled to say "Obama had his chance and failed miserably, he did not make any changes, progress, blah blah blah" when there are so many unwilling to work with the Left or compromise for the bettering of this country, and so many have turned a blind eye on all the positive progress he has made in the last 4 years. Granted, he, as well as other political leaders, has made his share of mistakes as all humans and leaders do. I am also not saying I 100% agree with everything Obama stands for, but then its impossible to find a candidate that you can side 100% with on all issues. If you do, you are a freak of nature (sarcasm).

While you have the RIGHT and FREEDOM to say/think/feel these things, you are NOT entitled and know that it does not reflect well on you, your party or your candidates moral standing or ability to successfully and credibly lead this country to greater heights. I wish there could be some way for us to get rid of sides, to work TOGETHER rather than AGAINST each other. I wish we could have (dare I say it?) peace between political parties, officials, citizens. Alas, I think too many enjoy a good fight (note I did not use the word debate as that would mean saying that everyone is capable of having open and peaceful discussions and sharing of ideas, rather than stomping each other into the ground trying to change minds and be right).

This isn't about BEING right. Its about DOING right. Those who were elected were elected because they got the most votes. It was fair and square. There was no cheating (though I personally witnessed underhanded attempts and dirty politics). I commend those who have taken this defeat graciously and maturely. To those who have been openly pouting, bashing our elected leader and those who support him, shame on you. Shame on you especially if your plan is to continue to slam down every attempt our leaders make toward progress and new ideas over the next 4 years. There seriously needs to be some re-evaluation of how we conduct ourselves in times like these because more often than not, common courtesy is thrown out the window in favor of bigotry and ignominy.

A quote from a good friend of mine that was posted the night of our victory:

"Tomorrow, I will preach about hands across the aisle, and working together. Tomorrow, I will say nice stuff about working together for America.

But today?
Today I will quote YOUR candidate and say that I am proud of only half my country (and that's generous, since he discounted way more of us). Today I will say that I am proud I did not vote for someone who believes rape is a gift from God or t

hat women are to blame for it. Today I will rub it in that we get four more years of Obama while you get four more years of being a hypocrite and calling yourself a patriot while not supporting our elected leader. Today is payback for all the things I've been called for being a compassionate person (aka, liberal) and caring more about equal rights than whether or not we're facing imminent financial demise (which, hello, would have been the case no matter who was elected). Today I'll be excited that we have an openly gay Senator, that three four states voted to allow gay marriage, and that bigotry and ignorance and hate didn't win.
But tomorrow, tomorrow...I will go back to accepting YOUR views even though you've spent the last four years trashing mine."

I, personally, am very pleased with the election results and will be celebrating Jeff Danielson's win at Octopus whenever he announcing the time/date of his Victory Party. Last night was a great night of celebration, the air was filled with energy, an excited static you could practically feel, and there were cheers and tears of happiness when Obama was announced the elected President and Iowa turned blue. I am proud and so glad I was able to be apart of it.

Now, I hope we can face forward, settle differences and come to the table ready to work together for positive changes that need to be made if we want to continue rising up rather than dangerously spiraling downward as we were four years ago.

Celebrating moving FORWARD!

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