Oh, welcome, welcome!

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Monday, March 18, 2013

How To: Avoid a Plague

I think I may have discovered a way to keep from getting sick. You know that nasty flu bug that was going around? The one that was a cross between a cold, the flu, and alcohol poisoning? Well, I've been lucky enough not to catch it...yet. *Knocks on wood* (Superstitioooon...)

I'm beginning to credit it to a new practice I adopted when all the people around me were falling like flies. Not to mention, my paranoia was tripled because of the fact that I work as a secretary at a church that also has a daycare business. So I'm in contact with little germ hotels wearing snow boots.

Anyway. After being sick two months in a row, I was determined that if I was going to go down a third time with the worst bug yet, I would go down swinging.

I don't consider myself to be an unhealthy eater, but I'm not an obsessively healthy one either. I follow the usual rules: don't drink soda (I'm lucky enough not to like it very much anyway), don't eat fried food (except for weekends), no fast food (except for McDonald's breakfast runs for a strawberry-banana smoothie and fruit&maple oatmeal), and curb sweet tooth cravings with the Extra Dessert Delights gum flavors (my favorites are Key Lime Pie, Mint Chip Ice Cream, and the new Lemon Square). I am a lover of carbs over sweets, so things like pasta, pop-tarts, baguettes, and more pasta make my mouth water over things like chocolate, brownies, and ice cream (though ice cream sometimes wins out). And its definitely been more of a challenge to avoid living off Lean Cuisine box dinners and Campbell's drinkable soups since I moved out again in January (this time, successfully and by myself with only my cat for company. Thank God.). My mother will admit herself that she is not that great of a cook (her strong suits are chili, homemade tomato soup, enchiladas, and corn bread) and doesn't really enjoy it. So the only home maker skills I ever inherited were how to boil water for noodles, scramble an egg and make a sandwich (the essentials for living). On a side note, sewing lessons ended after I learned to sew on a button, do the over-under stitch and a whip stitch. I was a member of a 4-H Club for many years, surprisingly since 4-H is all about cooking, crafts and woodworking; all things my mother dreads and hates with a passion.

So my options for healthy eating were limited to whatever required the least amount of prep work and skill. The next time I went grocery shopping, I avoided the aisles that housed my Lean Cuisines and Poptarts and instead, hit the produce section.

Here is what I've been eating every day for the last 3 weeks or so since that nasty bug that's been sweeping the nation:


Whole Apple
Whole Orange

(ONE piece of fruit can be switched out for a sm/med strawberry-banana smoothie from McDonald's)
Two slices of Cottage Bread, toasted with Country butter spread, or Nutella
Fruit&Maple Oatmeal from McDonald's

Mid-Morning Snack (I have a small stomach, so I rarely need this, but there are days!)

Greek Yogurt (My favorite is the Peach flavor by Anderson Erickson AE)

Greek Yogurt is a good choice because not only is it a great source for protein, its filling.


Turkey (or) Ham sandwich with sharp cheddar cheese slice and Lite Mayo (don't cake it on or it ceases to be light)
Glass of juice (I get pure orange juice or the combo like Pineapple Orange Banana)

Afternoon Snack

Baby carrots with Hummus
"Ants On a Log" (celery with peanut butter and raisins)
Pita chips and Hummus


Spring Salad (Spring greens mix, pineapple, mandarin oranges, fresh strawberries, a few scattered almonds and a lite raspberry vinegarette. You can use canned pineapple and mandarins, but try to find the kinds that aren't in syrup or are in light syrup)


Portioned spaghetti with sauce and a light dusting of Parmesan
Steamed veggies (get the ones in microwaveable steam bags. Super easy to make and delicious)

**** Only make as many noodles as you need for yourself for one meal. The back of the box of noodles should tell you the serving amount. If you make more thinking you'll use the rest for left overs, you are running the risk of going back for seconds or eating more than you should. Instead, binge on the veggies. They have practically no calories, so you can eat as much of them as you want until you feel full.


Whenever I feel the need for something sweet, usually after a meal, I chew a piece of the Extra Dessert Delights gum, eat a yogurt or drink some juice. If I really want ice cream, that means I usually have to make the effort to go out and buy it since I avoid buying the things I know I shouldn't be eating. If I DO buy ice cream, I buy the small pre-portioned Weight Watchers Blue Bunny flavors so I'm not tempted to scoop out more than I should if I were to self-serve.

Going out

Obviously, its harder to eat well when you're going out to eat. If I have been following my health plan well, I usually allow myself to cheat a little. Cheating for me means going to places like Hu Hot, Panera, Longhorn Steakhouse, Famous Dave's, etc. When I go to these places, I always try to make healthier choices.

At Hu Hot, I'll load my Chinese noodles up with green beans and mushrooms and wine.
At Panera, I opt for a salad, soup or a half sandwich (my favorite is the Bacon Turkey Bravo). Don't do the Pick-Two, you will eat too much. Pick-Two options give you enough food for two people.
At Longhorn, they have my favorite spring salad (see above) with feta that is usually seasonal at Panera, but that I try to recreate on my own. Or I'll order chicken. Chicken is ALWAYS better than beef.
At Famous Dave's, I usually get the BBQ chicken, lunch size (or if I get the dinner size, I make sure to save half for lunch the next day), and for my sides, I'll get the coleslaw and maybe splurge with mashed potatoes or mac&cheese.

Sushi is also a great choice, but I usually have to be in the mood for it.

I also try to drink a cup of black coffee every day as its a great antioxidant and keeps things flowing. If I'm not feeling the black coffee, I get a small caramel latte or tea.

Anyway. This is what has worked for me to not get sick, and to also eat healthier in regards to weight. I wish I had the resources to test this out on a group of people and see if its really working, as I credit a lot of it to the apples and oranges combo every morning. But alas, all I can do is share it with you and hope that maybe it'll be of interest and help promote healthy eating for healthy living.

Ciao and Bon Appetit!

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